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Price: $0.99 - $410.38
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NEMA has appeared in 385 unique listings.

There are currently 95 active listings, 97 sold listings, and 193 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $40,961.54

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view NEMA on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 95 25%
Sold 97 25%
Unsold 193 50%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 358 92.99%
CA 16 4.16%
LK 4 1.04%
CN 3 0.78%
ID 1 0.26%
HK 1 0.26%
IL 1 0.26%
PK 1 0.26%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
zainstore 36 9.35%
flagman-shop 24 6.23%
durabled 19 4.94%
bungolawing 18 4.68%
bixlife 16 4.16%
essentialsdepot24 11 2.86%
audiyeah-1 11 2.86%
nomadicb30 10 2.60%
zenzoneshop66 9 2.34%
spau-1512 8 2.08%
ganfeii1_4 8 2.08%
pahomeoutlet 8 2.08%
jinjie94 8 2.08%
emersonautoparts 7 1.82%
sellsim_2day_shipping 5 1.30%
yohodelyed 5 1.30%
comeshoppers 4 1.04%
ideall1 4 1.04%
yellopowerful 4 1.04%
b.nomadic_jpn 4 1.04%
thedailyfind 4 1.04%
diecastderek 3 0.78%
yourhomeneed 3 0.78%
e_ji_6 3 0.78%
myequipmentwholesaler 3 0.78%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$40,961.54 106.39 97.79 59.1730617211801 410.38 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 382 99.22%
Used 3 0.78%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 90 94.74%
CA 4 4.21%
CN 1 1.05%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
zainstore 23 24.21%
bixlife 16 16.84%
durabled 13 13.68%
bungolawing 6 6.32%
yellopowerful 4 4.21%
essentialsdepot24 2 2.11%
yohodelyed 2 2.11%
nstmart 2 2.11%
kvliquidation 2 2.11%
yourhomeneed 1 1.05%
inhomeoutlet 1 1.05%
ganfeii1_4 1 1.05%
njsportstreasures 1 1.05%
e_ji_6 1 1.05%
jinjie94 1 1.05%
pahomeoutlet 1 1.05%
diecastderek 1 1.05%
egidijus_m 1 1.05%
dubydeals 1 1.05%
mrsopenbox 1 1.05%
more-vipbest 1 1.05%
super-hypress 1 1.05%
liory-51 1 1.05%
amosga_56 1 1.05%
davidy4631 1 1.05%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$19,660.40 114.97 104.75 63.929087302341664 410.38 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 95 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
NEMA Splitter for Dryer and EV NEMA 10-30P 2x 10-30R 3.4'' LCD Screen ETL $146.99 12-Jan-2025
VEVOR S4021 NEMA Farm Duty Motor 2 HP Phase 1 115/230V 60Hz 1725 RPM No Box* $79.00 31-Dec-2024
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 20 x 16 x 8'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wat $156.38 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure, 10 x 8 x 4'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, $94.48 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 16 x 16 x 8'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wat $117.62 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 24 x 16 x 9'' NEMA 4X Fiberglass Electrical Box, IP6 $163.18 2-Dec-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in. x 8 in. Cabon Steel IP66 Nema 4X Elec $112.95 1-Dec-2024
VEVOR NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure, 12 x 8 x 6'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, $61.16 1-Dec-2024
NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure 16 X 12 X 8 NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Bo $152.17 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 24 x 24 x 12'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wa $325.72 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR 30 Amp Generator Cord and Power Inlet Box Kit, 40 FT, NEMA L14-30P/L14-30R $161.48 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR Welder Extension Cord 40 Amp 25 ft. 250 Volt Welding Power Cord with NEMA $59.99 28-Nov-2024
New Stainless Steel Enclosure, 12 x 12 x 8'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical $79.98 28-Nov-2024
VEVOR 30A 40ft Generator Extension Cord NEMA L14-30 10AWG/4C SJTW Power Cable $64.50 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 24"x16"x12", Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor E $208.24 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure 300 X 300 X 200 Mm IP66 Waterproof & Dustpr $104.75 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in. x 10 in. NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Outdoor $84.95 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in x 10 in NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Outdoor $89.95 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR 50 Amp Generator Cord and Power Inlet Box Kit, 50FT, NEMA 14-50P/SS2-50R S $410.38 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in. x 10 in. NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Outdoor $89.95 25-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 96 98.97%
CN 1 1.03%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 12 12.37%
audiyeah-1 10 10.31%
essentialsdepot24 8 8.25%
ganfeii1_4 7 7.22%
spau-1512 6 6.19%
yohodelyed 3 3.09%
pahomeoutlet 3 3.09%
flagman-shop 2 2.06%
yourhomeneed 2 2.06%
comfortcovedesigns 1 1.03%
mag-keynes 1 1.03%
bestbuywarehouse 1 1.03%
hfhonli-71 1 1.03%
easttnbargaincenter 1 1.03%
comeshoppers 1 1.03%
azein2 1 1.03%
cargolargo 1 1.03%
liuskvor_0 1 1.03%
nps 1 1.03%
egidijus_m 1 1.03%
rjhaag05 1 1.03%
jinjie94 1 1.03%
pinkgelee 1 1.03%
mtp.liquidations 1 1.03%
omegamachinery 1 1.03%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$8,104.91 83.56 79.99 43.91788379675953 206.99 13.59
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 95 97.94%
Used 2 2.06%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in. x 10 in. NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Outdoor $89.95 22-Mar-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 12 in. x 12 in x 6 in. IP66 Waterproof NEMA Steel Box $49.95 16-Mar-2025
VEVOR 50A 30ft NEMA 14-50P to Bare Wire RV Extension Cord 6/3 8/1 AWG STW Cable $103.99 13-Mar-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure Box 24 in. x 24 in. x 8 in. NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Water $119.99 12-Mar-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 12 in. x 12 in. x 6 in. IP66 Waterproof NEMA 4X Cabon $39.99 10-Mar-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 20 in. x 16 in. x 10 in. NEMA 4X Cabon Steel Outdoor $84.95 8-Mar-2025
New Stainless Steel Enclosure, 12 x 12 x 8'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical $79.98 21-Feb-2025
VEVOR 8 x 8 x 6" Steel Electrical Enclosure Box NEMA 4 Outdoor Enclosure IP65 $45.99 11-Feb-2025
25FT 50Amp Generator Power Cord NEMA 14-50P + SS2-50P Power Inlet Box Waterproof $119.90 8-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Steel Enclosure Box NEMA 4 Outdoor Enclosure 24 x 16 x 8 $99.99 5-Feb-2025
NEMA Splitter for Dryer and EV NEMA 10-30P 2x 10-30R 3.4'' LCD Screen ETL $146.99 30-Jan-2025
NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure 16 X 12 X 8 NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Bo $152.17 9-Jan-2025
50 Amp Generator Cord 25 Feet, NEMA 14-50p to CS6364 & SS2-50R w/Power Inlet Box $139.90 5-Jan-2025
VEVOR 30A Generator Extension Cord Power Cord 25FT 125V NEMA L14-30P Copper Wire $48.49 5-Jan-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 12 in. x 12 in x 6 in. IP66 Waterproof NEMA Steel Box $66.60 31-Dec-2024
VEVOR 30A 10ft Generator Extension Cord NEMA L14-30 10AWG/4C SJTW Power Cable $28.99 30-Dec-2024
VEVOR 15A Generator Extension Cord Power Cord 25 FT 125V NEMA 5-15P Copper Wire $25.89 24-Dec-2024
VEVOR 24x20x9" Fiberglass Enclosure NEMA Type 3 Electrical Enclosure IP65 $134.39 24-Dec-2024
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure 8 in. x 8 in. x 6 in. NEMA 4X Steel Junction Box $39.99 22-Dec-2024
VEVOR 30A 50FT Generator Extension Cord NEMA L14-30 10AWG 4 Prong Copper Wire $79.99 17-Dec-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 172 89.12%
CA 12 6.22%
LK 4 2.07%
ID 1 0.52%
IL 1 0.52%
PK 1 0.52%
HK 1 0.52%
CN 1 0.52%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
flagman-shop 22 11.40%
zainstore 13 6.74%
nomadicb30 10 5.18%
zenzoneshop66 9 4.66%
emersonautoparts 7 3.63%
jinjie94 6 3.11%
sellsim_2day_shipping 5 2.59%
durabled 5 2.59%
ideall1 4 2.07%
pahomeoutlet 4 2.07%
b.nomadic_jpn 4 2.07%
thedailyfind 4 2.07%
comeshoppers 3 1.55%
myequipmentwholesaler 3 1.55%
greentrove 3 1.55%
michaep_68 2 1.04%
spau-1512 2 1.04%
diecastderek 2 1.04%
fordips 2 1.04%
luxeshine 2 1.04%
wgwgwgg 2 1.04%
e_ji_6 2 1.04%
pemx9280gr 2 1.04%
baysidemart 1 0.52%
zmanemet33 1 0.52%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$21,716.79 112.52 99.73 62.81128319902923 410.38 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 192 99.48%
Used 1 0.52%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 20 x 20 x 6'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wat $106.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 28x20x8in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor Enc $222.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 12x8x8in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor Encl $74.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 20x20x6in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor Enc $131.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 16x16x6in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor Enc $113.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 12 x 8 x 8'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wate $74.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 24"x16"x12", Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor E $141.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 24x24x12in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor En $376.97 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR Rotary Axis Attachment for CO2 Laser Engraver Cutter NEMA 23 Stepper Motor $176.94 15-Feb-2025
VEVOR Rotary Axis Attachment w/ 3-Jaw Chuck CO2 Laser Engraver Cutter NEMA 23 $109.99 13-Feb-2025
VEVOR NEMA Stainless Steel Enclosure, 12 x 8 x 6'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, $61.16 12-Feb-2025
Nema 34 12N.m Closed Loop Stepper Motor Kit Hybird Servo Driver HSC86H 2 Phase f $269.99 6-Feb-2025
VEVOR Welder Extension Cord 40 Amp 25 ft 250 Volt with NEMA 6-50 Plug 8G 3 Prong $74.99 3-Feb-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 16x16x6in, Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor Enc $131.56 19-Jan-2025
Electrical Steel Box Enclosure NEMA Outdoor VEVOR Enclosure, Waterproof Box,NEW $110.99 19-Jan-2025
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 24 x 16 x 9'' NEMA 4X Fiberglass Electrical Box, IP6 $163.18 17-Jan-2025
VEVOR Fiberglass STELL Enclosure, 12 x 10 x 6'' NEMA 4X Fiberglass Electrical Bo $82.78 17-Jan-2025
VEVOR Electrical Enclosure, 24"x16"x12", Tested to UL Standards NEMA 4 Outdoor E $142.79 17-Jan-2025
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 20 X 16 X 10'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wa $86.59 14-Jan-2025
VEVOR NEMA Steel Enclosure, 24 X 24 X 12'' NEMA 4X Steel Electrical Box, IP66 Wa $177.22 14-Jan-2025
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