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Price: $149.00 - $539.58
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IMAGING CAMERA 240X180 has appeared in 38 unique listings.

There are currently 2 active listings, 15 sold listings, and 21 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $10,531.86

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view IMAGING CAMERA 240X180 on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 2 5%
Sold 15 39%
Unsold 21 56%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 38 100.00%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ga_open_box_llc 3 7.89%
autopartsandsports 2 5.26%
pahomeoutlet 2 5.26%
ecommercepr 2 5.26%
xrattanx 2 5.26%
tlretail 1 2.63%
maximus7582 1 2.63%
homevarietyoutlet 1 2.63%
marinesgtsmith 1 2.63%
tigman31 1 2.63%
golddeals23 1 2.63%
diecastderek 1 2.63%
themissingpieces 1 2.63%
peakperformancegearno.1 1 2.63%
6te1store 1 2.63%
harborblue 1 2.63%
lokady 1 2.63%
essentialsdepot24 1 2.63%
olekmeln_48 1 2.63%
nimtaylor 1 2.63%
necridgear 1 2.63%
zainstore 1 2.63%
flagman-shop 1 2.63%
hikhan-81 1 2.63%
tamte65 1 2.63%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$10,531.86 277.15 239.72 93.69215738766867 539.58 149.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 37 97.37%
Used 1 2.63%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 2 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
diecastderek 1 50.00%
zainstore 1 50.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,469.86 346.99 380.50 0 539.58 200.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution 16GB $205.95 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $190.00 1-Dec-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $450.32 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $332.98 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $395.99 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $214.95 14-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $169.99 12-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $199.99 26-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $365.00 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $225.63 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $200.00 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $249.49 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $298.49 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $199.95 15-May-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $225.00 3-May-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 15 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
tlretail 1 6.67%
marinesgtsmith 1 6.67%
tigman31 1 6.67%
golddeals23 1 6.67%
homevarietyoutlet 1 6.67%
themissingpieces 1 6.67%
lokady 1 6.67%
olekmeln_48 1 6.67%
nimtaylor 1 6.67%
hikhan-81 1 6.67%
ga_open_box_llc 1 6.67%
tamte65 1 6.67%
6te1store 1 6.67%
essentialsdepot24 1 6.67%
maximus7582 1 6.67%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,977.31 198.49 199.95 22.733448914662187 249.49 149.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 14 93.33%
Used 1 6.67%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $225.00 2-Jan-2025
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $199.99 26-Dec-2024
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $249.49 22-Dec-2024
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution 16GB $205.95 8-Dec-2024
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $200.00 5-Dec-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $190.00 1-Dec-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $214.95 24-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $169.99 24-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $189.99 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $149.00 21-Sep-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $199.95 29-Jul-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz. $174.50 23-Jul-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $210.00 5-Jul-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $199.50 30-Jun-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared-NEW $199.00 25-Apr-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 21 100.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
autopartsandsports 2 9.52%
ga_open_box_llc 2 9.52%
pahomeoutlet 2 9.52%
ecommercepr 2 9.52%
xrattanx 2 9.52%
harborblue 1 4.76%
peakperformancegearno.1 1 4.76%
necridgear 1 4.76%
yourhomeneed 1 4.76%
flagman-shop 1 4.76%
docsopenbox 1 4.76%
bendjalcid_0 1 4.76%
shopjperetail 1 4.76%
own_your_habitat 1 4.76%
stashu3333 1 4.76%
magic_sys 1 4.76%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,826.78 325.09 323.74 94.30777323004705 539.58 189.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 21 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $450.32 17-Jan-2025
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $395.99 23-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $225.63 2-Nov-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $365.00 29-Oct-2024
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $322.43 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $266.03 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared CameraNE $189.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $321.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $424.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $336.69 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $323.74 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $336.69 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $290.24 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution with 2MP Visual Camera, 20Hz $324.14 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $219.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $200.00 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR, 4F-1022F, 2MP Visual, 64GB SD $406.92 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR SC240N Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels) 16GB $200.00 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera, 240x180 IR Resolution (43200 Pixels), 20Hz Refresh $456.47 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Thermal Imaging Camera 240x180 IR Resolution 43200 Pixel Infrared Camera $229.95 1-Jan-1970
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