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Price: $21.99 - $295.70
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LUG has appeared in 88 unique listings.

There are currently 10 active listings, 27 sold listings, and 51 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $5,010.49

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view LUG on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 10 11%
Sold 27 31%
Unsold 51 58%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 79 89.77%
CN 8 9.09%
CA 1 1.14%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
shopprime365 10 11.36%
nayagb 5 5.68%
njsportstreasures 5 5.68%
technology-etrade 4 4.55%
kyunpa_38 3 3.41%
thedailyfind 3 3.41%
goooddayfreefly 2 2.27%
kooluluselect 2 2.27%
supply2worldwide 2 2.27%
the_cool_stuff_depot 2 2.27%
ganfeii1_4 2 2.27%
bryn-birbstore 2 2.27%
toomanyamps 2 2.27%
myequipmentwholesaler 2 2.27%
shilbuz 1 1.14%
emersonautoparts 1 1.14%
goodmee1688 1 1.14%
yourname 1 1.14%
brave-happiness 1 1.14%
smile-sunward 1 1.14%
rzshopp 1 1.14%
josca1395 1 1.14%
kencro-6852 1 1.14%
shillb 1 1.14%
shellzgarth2013 1 1.14%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$5,010.49 56.94 48.99 34.14924644763968 295.70 21.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 88 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 8 80.00%
CN 2 20.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
supply2worldwide 2 20.00%
technology-etrade 1 10.00%
ganfeii1_4 1 10.00%
goodmee1688 1 10.00%
smile-sunward 1 10.00%
shellzgarth2013 1 10.00%
zohealv0 1 10.00%
its_righthere 1 10.00%
zhangd74 1 10.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,998.18 58.77 49.61 0 295.70 27.89
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 10 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter $27.89 2-Dec-2024
Lug Nut Impact Socket Set 1/2 in Drive Metric and SAE 6-Point Deep Socket $48.99 2-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter $27.89 28-Nov-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Crimper AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal $40.00 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter &95PCS Copper $30.00 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter $30.05 15-Nov-2024
VEVOR 1" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $74.65 10-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $45.61 10-Nov-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Hydraulic Crimper AWG12-2/0 Terminal with Pliers $39.99 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $86.97 9-Nov-2024
4 PCS Black Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 2" 6"x5.5" $101.99 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $46.72 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $27.21 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $46.94 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $27.18 31-Oct-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $44.59 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $95.99 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $35.75 22-Oct-2024
2" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $125.99 21-Oct-2024
1.5" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $87.99 19-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 26 96.30%
CN 1 3.70%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
shopprime365 10 37.04%
technology-etrade 3 11.11%
kyunpa_38 2 7.41%
bryn-birbstore 2 7.41%
goooddayfreefly 1 3.70%
shillb 1 3.70%
ganfeii1_4 1 3.70%
the_cool_stuff_depot 1 3.70%
folastore0 1 3.70%
hobbyhighwayboss 1 3.70%
wuhuaiyong 1 3.70%
homesweethome78 1 3.70%
ebwekoh-1 1 3.70%
toomanyamps 1 3.70%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,642.14 60.82 48.99 30.76831113939097 125.99 21.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 27 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $93.99 16-Feb-2025
1.5" 6"x5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $86.99 6-Feb-2025
1.5" 5"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 5 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $113.99 1-Feb-2025
2" 8"x6.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 8 Lug Forged Spacer 2 PCS Black $89.99 25-Jan-2025
4 PCS Black Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 2" 6"x5.5" $101.99 13-Jan-2025
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $45.61 26-Dec-2024
VEVOR 1.5" 6"x5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $68.15 21-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $46.72 7-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter &95PCS Copper $30.00 3-Dec-2024
Lug Nut Impact Socket Set 1/2 in Drive Metric and SAE 6-Point Deep Socket $48.99 2-Dec-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Hydraulic Crimper AWG12-2/0 Terminal with Pliers $39.99 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $27.21 23-Nov-2024
VEVOR 1" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $74.65 10-Nov-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Crimper AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal $25.99 10-Nov-2024
2" 5"x4.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 5 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $110.99 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $27.18 1-Nov-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $39.12 23-Oct-2024
2" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $125.99 21-Oct-2024
1.5" 6"x5.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 6 Lug Forged Spacer 4 PCS Black $87.99 19-Oct-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 45 88.24%
CN 5 9.80%
CA 1 1.96%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nayagb 5 9.80%
njsportstreasures 5 9.80%
thedailyfind 3 5.88%
kooluluselect 2 3.92%
myequipmentwholesaler 2 3.92%
shilbuz 1 1.96%
emersonautoparts 1 1.96%
yourname 1 1.96%
brave-happiness 1 1.96%
the_cool_stuff_depot 1 1.96%
josca1395 1 1.96%
toomanyamps 1 1.96%
goooddayfreefly 1 1.96%
kencro-6852 1 1.96%
wang.fuqiang 1 1.96%
schengliang932 1 1.96%
zhushanli 1 1.96%
flagman-shop 1 1.96%
bestdeals-574 1 1.96%
autopartsandsports 1 1.96%
gazillionbrands 1 1.96%
britmar7108 1 1.96%
baverdeals 1 1.96%
clickcarte 1 1.96%
ecommercepr 1 1.96%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,940.28 57.65 49.58 38.126547122225524 295.70 27.89
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 51 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $86.97 18-Feb-2025
10-1/0AW Cable Lug Crimping Tool Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper with 60PC $59.99 6-Feb-2025
VEVOR 2" 8"x6.5" Wheel Spacers Wheel Adapters 8 Lug Forged Spacer 2 PCS Black $70.35 5-Feb-2025
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $35.75 28-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $44.59 14-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter $27.89 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter $30.05 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $95.99 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $67.99 22-Oct-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper, $69.99 23-Sep-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool, AWG10-1/0 Copper And Aluminum Terminal Battery Lug Crimper $49.99 3-Sep-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Hydraulic Crimper AWG12-2/0 Terminal with Pliers $51.99 23-Aug-2024
VEVOR Hydraulic Lug Crimper 4 AWG - 500 MCM Wire Terminal Crimping Tool 10 Dies $48.98 8-Aug-2024
VEVOR Wire Terminal Crimping Tool 10-120mm² Cable Lug Crimper Terminal Plier $57.49 8-Aug-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Crimper AWG10-1/0 $29.99 30-Jul-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-1/0AWG with Cable Cutter and 95PCS Cop $39.12 29-Jul-2024
VEVOR Battery Cable Crimping Tool Cable Lug Crimping Tool Lug Crimper 10-120 mm2 $51.30 19-Jul-2024
VEVOR Crimping Tool Battery Lug Hydraulic Crimper AWG12-2/0 Terminal with Pliers $44.90 19-Jul-2024
Battery Cable Lug Crimping Tool, 10-10 AWG with Wire Lugs, 60 PCS Aluminum Ring $28.50 19-May-2024
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