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Price: $13.99 - $899.99
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STRAPS has appeared in 75 unique listings.

There are currently 5 active listings, 27 sold listings, and 43 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $11,637.09

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view STRAPS on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 5 7%
Sold 27 36%
Unsold 43 57%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 71 94.67%
CN 4 5.33%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 21 28.00%
emersonautoparts 5 6.67%
myequipmentwholesaler 5 6.67%
ganfeii1_4 3 4.00%
b.nomadic_jpn 3 4.00%
getdgrht1f 3 4.00%
enrichyourlife 2 2.67%
world-etrade 2 2.67%
kyunpachil_38 2 2.67%
flagman-shop 2 2.67%
snellett 2 2.67%
ranran_4 2 2.67%
newvo1789 1 1.33%
eemirishop 1 1.33%
rzshopp 1 1.33%
durabled 1 1.33%
divcayllc 1 1.33%
standwithusil 1 1.33%
yohodelyed 1 1.33%
midwestpatriot 1 1.33%
correct24store 1 1.33%
on_miller_time 1 1.33%
shopprime365 1 1.33%
liyunfeng82 1 1.33%
jeon-5297 1 1.33%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$11,637.09 155.16 68.99 194.19334608552722 899.99 13.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 75 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 5 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 2 40.00%
ganfeii1_4 1 20.00%
yohodelyed 1 20.00%
shopprime365 1 20.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,507.92 156.75 86.28 164.37823224958953 689.99 40.49
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 5 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR 30" x 10" Concrete Knee Boards Knee Sliders Stainless w/ Pads & Straps $75.00 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $410.99 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.39"-0.75" Straps $680.99 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR 10 Pack 24" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $22.99 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR 50 Pack 21" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $43.99 23-Oct-2024
VEVOR 1/4in Bungee Cord 120 ft/36 m Spool Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 100% Stretch $24.99 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR 3/8in Bungee Cord 120 ft/36 m Spool Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 100% Stretch $30.99 16-Oct-2024
Aluminum Ramps 78"x12" 1250lbs Capacity w/ Treads & Straps for ATV, Truck, Mower $175.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Electric Strapping Machine, for 0.35"-0.63" PP PET Straps $399.00 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 10 Pack 36" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $24.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 4 Pack 40" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/Steel S-Hook $25.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32 Pack Flat Bungee Cord Set 17 mm Heavy Duty Bungee Straps with J-Hooks $24.69 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 6 Pack 72" Bungee Straps Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cords w/A3 Steel Hooks $22.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 12 Pcs Bungee Cords with Hooks 32 In Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 8 mm Black $21.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 30 Pack Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/Steel Carabiners $25.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32 Pack Bungee Cords Set 8 mm Heavy Duty Bungee Straps w/A3 Steel Hooks $25.19 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 50 Pack 31" Rubber Bungee Cord Set Heavy Duty Bungee Straps w/S-Hook $52.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $410.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.39"-0.75" Straps $669.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Car Tie Down with Chain Anchors, Lasso Style 2"×120" Tire Straps, 5865 LBS $82.76 12-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 27 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 17 62.96%
world-etrade 2 7.41%
ganfeii1_4 2 7.41%
newvo1789 1 3.70%
eemirishop 1 3.70%
standwithusil 1 3.70%
liyunfeng82 1 3.70%
on_miller_time 1 3.70%
jsmith521 1 3.70%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,961.32 146.72 53.97 177.53127495642656 669.99 21.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 27 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR 32 Pack Bungee Cords Set 8 mm Heavy Duty Bungee Straps w/A3 Steel Hooks $25.19 9-Jan-2025
VEVOR 32 Pack Flat Bungee Cord Set 17 mm Heavy Duty Bungee Straps with J-Hooks $24.69 26-Dec-2024
VEVOR 30 Pack Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/Steel Carabiners $25.99 19-Dec-2024
VEVOR 10 Pack 36" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $24.99 16-Dec-2024
VEVOR 3/8in Bungee Cord 120 ft/36 m Spool Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 100% Stretch $30.99 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $415.99 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR 12 Pcs Bungee Cords with Hooks 32 In Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 8 mm Black $21.99 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR 20 Pack Bungee Straps Set 20 mm Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/ S-Hook $27.99 5-Dec-2024
Watercraft Lift Sling Rope Jet Ski Safety Lifting Slings Straps 1000lbs Capacity $260.99 2-Dec-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $410.99 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR Concrete Slider Knee Boards Sliding Boards 28" x 8" Stainless w/ Straps $86.99 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR 6 Pack 72" Bungee Straps Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cords w/A3 Steel Hooks $22.99 25-Nov-2024
VEVOR Electric Strapping Machine, for 0.35"-0.63" PP PET Straps $399.00 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR 1/4in Bungee Cord 120 ft/36 m Spool Heavy Duty Bungee Straps 100% Stretch $24.99 10-Nov-2024
VEVOR 10 Pack 24" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $22.99 9-Nov-2024
50 Pack 31" Tarp Straps Rubber Heavy Duty with Crimped S Hooks Tie Down US Made $59.99 1-Nov-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.39"-0.75" Straps $669.99 29-Oct-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $420.99 26-Oct-2024
VEVOR 50 Pack 21" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $43.99 23-Oct-2024
Concrete Knee Boards 30' x 8' Stainless Steel Sliders with Knee Pads & Straps $148.49 19-Oct-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 39 90.70%
CN 4 9.30%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
emersonautoparts 5 11.63%
myequipmentwholesaler 5 11.63%
b.nomadic_jpn 3 6.98%
getdgrht1f 3 6.98%
enrichyourlife 2 4.65%
bungolawing 2 4.65%
kyunpachil_38 2 4.65%
flagman-shop 2 4.65%
snellett 2 4.65%
ranran_4 2 4.65%
durabled 1 2.33%
divcayllc 1 2.33%
correct24store 1 2.33%
midwestpatriot 1 2.33%
jeon-5297 1 2.33%
rzshopp 1 2.33%
autopartsandsports 1 2.33%
hayda-mn 1 2.33%
e-r-liquidations 1 2.33%
bobingd-91 1 2.33%
king_6668 1 2.33%
yankeen_8 1 2.33%
bisong 1 2.33%
jollyful 1 2.33%
tadmart01 1 2.33%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,641.82 154.46 77.97 196.997178362675 899.99 13.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 43 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Concrete Slider Knee Board Pair 30x8 Stainless W/ Straps Buckles Fit Finishing a $216.99 14-Dec-2024
VEVOR 30" x 10" Concrete Knee Boards Knee Sliders Stainless w/ Pads & Straps $75.00 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Car Tie Down with Chain Anchors, Lasso Style 2"×120" Tire Straps, 5865 LBS $82.76 15-Nov-2024
VEVOR Car Tie Down with Chain Anchors, Lasso Style 2"×120" Tire Straps, 5865 LBS $68.99 24-Sep-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.35"-0.63" Straps $425.99 13-Sep-2024
VEVOR Automatic Electric Strapping Machine Tool for PP/PET 0.39"-0.75" Straps $689.99 13-Sep-2024
VEVOR Ratchet Tie Down Straps Kit, 2" x 120" Tire Straps, 5512 LBS Working Load, $77.97 25-Jul-2024
Heavy Duty Ratchet Tie Down Straps - 2'' x 9.8', 4000 lbs Working Load, 4 Pack $67.59 21-Jul-2024
VEVOR Ratchet Tie Down Straps, Heavy Duty 2'' x 9.8' with 11.8" Chain Anchors - $83.49 30-Jun-2024
Ratchet Tie Down Straps, 2'' x 9.8' Heavy Duty Ratchet Straps with Single Hook, $40.49 27-Jun-2024
VEVOR Winch Straps, 4" x 30', 6000 lbs Load Capacity, 18000 lbs Break Strength, $158.90 10-Jun-2024
VEVOR Winch Straps, 4" x 30', 6000 lbs Load Capacity, 18000 lbs Break Strength, $158.90 14-May-2024
VEVOR Car Tie Down with Chain Anchors, Lasso Style 2"??120" Tire Straps, 5865 LB $102.20 14-May-2024
VEVOR Car Tie Down with Chain Anchors, Lasso Style 2"??120" Tire Straps, 5865 LB $107.60 14-May-2024
VEVOR Ratchet Tie Down Straps Kit, Lasso Style 2" x 120" Tire Straps, 5512 LBS W $89.07 14-May-2024
VEVOR 30 Pack Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/Steel Carabiners $14.19 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR 10 Pack 24" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/S-Hook $13.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR 4 Pack 40" Bungee Straps Set Heavy Duty Rubber Bungee Cord w/Steel S-Hook $13.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR Concrete Slider Knee Sliding Boards 30" x 10" Stainless w/ Pads & Straps $110.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR 4 Pcs Flat Bungee Cord Set 20 Mm Heavy Duty Bungee Straps with S-Hook 40 $42.99 1-Jan-1970
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