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SHAFT 1-3/8"

Price: $68.99 - $225.54
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SHAFT 1-3/8"
SHAFT 1-3/8" has appeared in 44 unique listings.

There are currently 6 active listings, 12 sold listings, and 26 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $4,968.33

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view SHAFT 1-3/8" on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 6 14%
Sold 12 27%
Unsold 26 59%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 40 90.91%
CN 3 6.82%
CA 1 2.27%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
yohodelyed 6 13.64%
bixlife 4 9.09%
ecommdealsus 3 6.82%
chrifra-1026 2 4.55%
zain.-87 2 4.55%
myequipmentwholesaler 2 4.55%
nayagb 2 4.55%
thedailyfind 2 4.55%
fjdesertwolf 1 2.27%
kjuh9687 1 2.27%
wulitaotaoh_9 1 2.27%
dfhs_88 1 2.27%
brianhill-288 1 2.27%
bonitra 1 2.27%
auto-modification-e1v 1 2.27%
young_269 1 2.27%
peakperformancegearno.1 1 2.27%
correct24store 1 2.27%
freelollipopcom 1 2.27%
cbs31197 1 2.27%
truckbedd 1 2.27%
world-etrade 1 2.27%
greentrove 1 2.27%
nayohi 1 2.27%
cox-industrial-supplies 1 2.27%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$4,968.33 112.92 102.99 40.044580381414335 225.54 68.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 44 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 6 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bixlife 2 33.33%
yohodelyed 1 16.67%
zain.-87 1 16.67%
freelollipopcom 1 16.67%
greentrove 1 16.67%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,269.03 119.42 102.99 0 225.54 68.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 6 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $130.54 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $73.99 8-Nov-2024
PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends 39"-55" for Brush Hog $74.42 29-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $70.00 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $70.00 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $157.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $109.96 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" 6 Spline Endw/Slip Clutch T4 43"-59" $112.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline End w/Slip Clutch T6 for Mower $178.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $69.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends T4 39"-55" for Brush Hog $78.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends T4 39"-55" for Brush Hog $78.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends T4 43"-61" for Brush Hog $82.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" 6 Spline Ends T5 43"-57" for Brush Hog $134.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $179.99 7-Jul-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $200.15 15-May-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline End and Round Implement End PT $131.99 14-May-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 12 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
yohodelyed 5 41.67%
chrifra-1026 1 8.33%
wulitaotaoh_9 1 8.33%
myequipmentwholesaler 1 8.33%
peakperformancegearno.1 1 8.33%
cbs31197 1 8.33%
truckbedd 1 8.33%
world-etrade 1 8.33%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,191.30 99.28 84.50 31.837204782036594 178.99 69.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 12 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $73.99 22-Nov-2024
PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends 39"-55" for Brush Hog $74.42 29-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $70.00 28-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $109.96 20-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" 6 Spline Endw/Slip Clutch T4 43"-59" $112.99 19-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" 6 Spline Ends T5 43"-57" for Brush Hog $134.99 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends T4 39"-55" for Brush Hog $78.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $69.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends T4 39"-55" for Brush Hog $78.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline End w/Slip Clutch T6 for Mower $178.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6Spline w/Slip Clutch Black T4 31.5-41" $117.99 10-Oct-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends w/Slip Clutch T4 49"-71" $90.00 5-Jul-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 22 84.62%
CN 3 11.54%
CA 1 3.85%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ecommdealsus 3 11.54%
bixlife 2 7.69%
nayagb 2 7.69%
thedailyfind 2 7.69%
fjdesertwolf 1 3.85%
chrifra-1026 1 3.85%
kjuh9687 1 3.85%
dfhs_88 1 3.85%
brianhill-288 1 3.85%
bonitra 1 3.85%
auto-modification-e1v 1 3.85%
young_269 1 3.85%
correct24store 1 3.85%
zain.-87 1 3.85%
nayohi 1 3.85%
cox-industrial-supplies 1 3.85%
cwolff78 1 3.85%
alan-alice 1 3.85%
myequipmentwholesaler 1 3.85%
haracenter3 1 3.85%
dmlh_sales 1 3.85%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,023.53 116.29 102.99 42.02678857043896 225.54 68.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 26 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $200.15 14-Feb-2025
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline End and Round Implement End PT $135.99 8-Oct-2024
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VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $68.99 21-Sep-2024
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VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" 6 Spline Endw/Slip Clutch T4 43"-59" $174.42 13-Jul-2024
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VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline End w/Slip Clutch T6 for Mower $225.54 13-Jul-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $203.99 6-Jul-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends w/Slip Clutch T4 49"-71" $90.00 30-Jun-2024
New PTO Shaft PTO Drive Shaft 1-3/8" x 6 Spline Ends Round End T4 43"-61" $78.90 21-Jun-2024
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $99.95 1-Jan-1970
Vevor T4-1100FFV1 PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both End FAST SHIP $99.99 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline End and Round Implement End PT $105.95 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Tractor, Round Implement Ends $87.95 1-Jan-1970
VEVOR PTO Shaft, 1-3/8" PTO Drive Shaft, 6 Spline Both Ends PTO Driveline Shaft, $156.76 1-Jan-1970
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