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Price: $14.99 - $855.73
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PULLING has appeared in 137 unique listings.

There are currently 10 active listings, 31 sold listings, and 96 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $15,038.15

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view PULLING on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 10 7%
Sold 31 23%
Unsold 96 70%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 130 94.89%
CN 5 3.65%
CA 1 0.73%
HK 1 0.73%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
njsportstreasures 26 18.98%
bungolawing 22 16.06%
myequipmentwholesaler 12 8.76%
durabled 5 3.65%
divcayllc 5 3.65%
emersonautoparts 3 2.19%
diecastderek 3 2.19%
nomadicb30 3 2.19%
kencro-6852 2 1.46%
peakperformancegearno.1 2 1.46%
ganfeii1_4 2 1.46%
kyunpachil_38 2 1.46%
dairuirui122_3 2 1.46%
ecommercepr 2 1.46%
nekoutdoor 2 1.46%
getdgrht1f 2 1.46%
nayagb 2 1.46%
allgoodthingsonline1234 2 1.46%
rhsupply 1 0.73%
techsavvy_traders 1 0.73%
comeshoppers 1 0.73%
nathmidd85 1 0.73%
bid416auctions 1 0.73%
colorfulgadgets 1 0.73%
enrichyourlife 1 0.73%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$15,038.15 109.77 70.08 123.01570922044382 855.73 14.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 135 98.54%
Used 2 1.46%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 9 90.00%
CA 1 10.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 4 40.00%
diecastderek 2 20.00%
bid416auctions 1 10.00%
buyithere_18 1 10.00%
rikh_3201 1 10.00%
lashoomstore 1 10.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$10,844.10 146.54 100.24 152.14911013659568 855.73 17.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 10 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR 108 ft. x 5/8 in. 1800 lbs. Polyester Pull Tape Flat Tape for Pulling $16.99 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 3/4" x 528' 2500 lbf Tensile Capacity $32.99 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 3300lbs/1500kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $488.38 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 4400lbs/2000kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $855.73 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 880 lbs/400 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor $99.99 19-Nov-2024
Vevor Heavy Duty Ratchet Power Rope Puller 5-Ton Pulling Capacity JX50 $37.43 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 880 lbs/400 kg Pulling 880 kg, Orange $216.96 12-Nov-2024
VEVOR Come Along Winch 5 Ton 11023 lbs Pulling Capacity 11.5 ft Steel Cable 3... $80.16 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 220 lbs/100 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $91.18 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 2200lbs/1000kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $353.08 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR 9/16 Inch Double Braid Polyester Rope 200 FT Nylon Pulling Rope 1100LBS Hi $138.97 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 660 lbs/300 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $190.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 880 lbs/400 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $195.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 1320 lbs/600kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Steel $262.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Lifting Magnet with Release,660 Lbs Pulling Force - Steel Magnetic Lifter, $181.97 8-Nov-2024
Come Along Winch - 2 Ton (4,409 lbs) Pulling Capacity - Heavy Duty Ratchet Power $28.95 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR Rope Crank Hand Winch 2000 lbs Pulling Boat Trailer Winch Heavy Duty 23 ft $62.99 27-Oct-2024
VEVOR 7/16 Inch Double Braid Polyester Rope 150 Feet Nylon Pulling Rope 880LB Hi $105.99 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 3300lbs/1500kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $423.99 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR Come Along Winch, 2 Ton (4,409 lbs) Pulling Capacity, 12 ft Steel Cable, 2 $26.12 16-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 30 96.77%
CN 1 3.23%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
bungolawing 16 51.61%
dairuirui122_3 2 6.45%
nps 1 3.23%
mikaylamae 1 3.23%
technology-etrade 1 3.23%
kyunpa_38 1 3.23%
maximus7582 1 3.23%
snapupfinds 1 3.23%
nathmidd85 1 3.23%
huayueecomme 1 3.23%
bargain_shack_usa 1 3.23%
cargolargo 1 3.23%
essentialsdepot24 1 3.23%
ganfeii1_4 1 3.23%
fsasllc 1 3.23%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,844.25 59.49 46.99 42.30080182412125 180.00 16.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 29 93.55%
Used 2 6.45%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 5/8" x 108' 2200 lbf Tensile Capacity $18.99 14-Mar-2025
Vevor Heavy Duty Ratchet Power Rope Puller 5-Ton Pulling Capacity JX50 $37.43 9-Mar-2025
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 3/4" x 528' 2500 lbf Tensile Capacity $32.99 24-Feb-2025
30Ton Single-acting Hollow Ram Cylinder 4" Stroke Hollow Straightening Pulling $135.59 15-Feb-2025
Vevor Magnetic Lifter 2000lb Pulling Capacity-PML-1000 $33.00 17-Jan-2025
Single-acting Hollow Ram Cylinder 30tons 4" Stroke Hollow Straightening Pulling $148.99 27-Dec-2024
VEVOR 108 ft. x 5/8 in. 1800 lbs. Polyester Pull Tape Flat Tape for Pulling $16.99 24-Dec-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 880 lbs/400 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor $99.99 23-Dec-2024
200ft.x 7/16"Double Braid Polyester Rope 800 lbs. Load Nylon Pulling Rope High F $62.10 4-Dec-2024
NEW 300 KG Permanent Magnetic Chuck Lifter Pulling Safety Factor Vevor PML-300 $180.00 1-Dec-2024
Come Along Winch - 2 Ton (4,409 lbs) Pulling Capacity - Heavy Duty Ratchet Power $28.95 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR Zinc Plated Proof Coil Chain G30 3/16"x100FT Chain Sling Towing Pulling $46.99 5-Nov-2024
VEVOR Rope Puller 5 Ton Pulling Capacity Heavy Duty Ratchet Power Win. Puller $50.00 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR Come Along Winch, 2 Ton (4,409 lbs) Pulling Capacity, 12 ft Steel Cable, 2 $26.12 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR Zinc Plated Chain G30 3/16"x 100 FT Proof Coil Chain Sling Towing Pulling $52.99 13-Oct-2024
VEVOR Magnet Fishing Kit 1200lbs Pulling Double Sided Fishing Magnet 2.95" Dia $31.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 1/2" x 3000' Polyester Pulling Tape / Pull Tape 1250 LBS Tensile Capacity $80.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Magnet Fishing 1200lbs Pulling Double Sided Fishing Magnet 2.95" Dia $23.27 5-Oct-2024
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 3/4" x 265' 2500 lbf Tensile Capacity $23.99 28-Sep-2024
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 1/2" x 5249' 1250 lbf Tensile Capacity $138.99 27-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 91 94.79%
CN 4 4.17%
HK 1 1.04%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
njsportstreasures 26 27.08%
myequipmentwholesaler 12 12.50%
durabled 5 5.21%
divcayllc 5 5.21%
emersonautoparts 3 3.12%
nomadicb30 3 3.12%
bungolawing 2 2.08%
kencro-6852 2 2.08%
peakperformancegearno.1 2 2.08%
kyunpachil_38 2 2.08%
ecommercepr 2 2.08%
nekoutdoor 2 2.08%
getdgrht1f 2 2.08%
nayagb 2 2.08%
allgoodthingsonline1234 2 2.08%
rhsupply 1 1.04%
comeshoppers 1 1.04%
colorfulgadgets 1 1.04%
enrichyourlife 1 1.04%
amandalve 1 1.04%
ganfeii1_4 1 1.04%
techsavvy_traders 1 1.04%
joshenose 1 1.04%
kedr25 1 1.04%
gifts4givn 1 1.04%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$12,305.66 128.18 91.09 139.76602867589676 855.73 14.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 96 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 660 lbs/300 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $190.97 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 880 lbs/400 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $195.97 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 1320 lbs/600kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Steel $262.97 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 220 lbs/100 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $91.18 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 4400lbs/2000kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $855.73 31-Jan-2025
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 3300lbs/1500kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $488.38 31-Jan-2025
VEVOR Lifting Magnet with Release,660 Lbs Pulling Force - Steel Magnetic Lifter, $112.59 17-Jan-2025
VEVOR Lifting Magnet with Release,660 Lbs Pulling Force - Steel Magnetic Lifter, $181.97 30-Dec-2024
VEVOR 9/16 Inch Double Braid Polyester Rope 200 FT Nylon Pulling Rope 1100LBS Hi $138.97 30-Dec-2024
VEVOR Come Along Winch 5 Ton 11023 lbs Pulling Capacity 11.5 ft Steel Cable 3... $80.16 27-Dec-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 1320 lbs/600kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Steel $141.02 16-Dec-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 2200lbs/1000kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $353.08 6-Dec-2024
VEVOR Zinc Plated Proof Coil Chain G30 3/16"X100Ft Chain Sling Towing Pulling $102.37 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 4400lbs/2000kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $592.98 21-Nov-2024
VEVOR Polyester Pulling Tape Mule Tape 1/2" x 5249' 1250 lbf Tensile Capacity $132.99 30-Oct-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 660 lbs/300 kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Neody $153.99 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR 7/16 Inch Double Braid Polyester Rope 150 Feet Nylon Pulling Rope 880LB Hi $105.99 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR Lifting Magnet with Release,660 Lbs Pulling Force - Steel Magnetic Lifter, $144.99 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR 9/16 Inch Double Braid Polyester Rope 200 FT Nylon Pulling Rope 1100LBS Hi $104.99 25-Oct-2024
VEVOR Magnetic Lifter, 1320 lbs/600kg Pulling Capacity, 2.5 Safety Factor, Steel $215.99 25-Oct-2024
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