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Price: $28.49 - $579.99
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BALE SPEAR has appeared in 86 unique listings.

There are currently 10 active listings, 22 sold listings, and 54 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $11,682.77

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view BALE SPEAR on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 10 12%
Sold 22 26%
Unsold 54 62%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 68 79.07%
CN 14 16.28%
CA 2 2.33%
HK 1 1.16%
FR 1 1.16%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
yohodelyed 12 13.95%
myequipmentwholesaler 7 8.14%
9s-home 3 3.49%
zain.-87 3 3.49%
wscaraccesso_0 3 3.49%
nilvkeji 3 3.49%
lancec_89 2 2.33%
olverygreyer 2 2.33%
kooluluselect 2 2.33%
lebomba 2 2.33%
neayshow 2 2.33%
unewgift 2 2.33%
dqt424 2 2.33%
amiranda0831 1 1.16%
primefinds883 1 1.16%
greenmarketu 1 1.16%
techsavvy_traders 1 1.16%
bixlife 1 1.16%
dubaifly 1 1.16%
fjdesertwolf 1 1.16%
6hdepot 1 1.16%
sososhippingmarket 1 1.16%
nickwin10 1 1.16%
iakbas0 1 1.16%
hayda-mn 1 1.16%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$11,682.77 135.85 122.66 87.443474461926 579.99 28.49
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 86 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 10 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
zain.-87 2 20.00%
wscaraccesso_0 2 20.00%
yohodelyed 1 10.00%
hayda-mn 1 10.00%
ure2nice 1 10.00%
usshopstar 1 10.00%
bestmartonline-2 1 10.00%
world-etrade 1 10.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,604.41 146.77 128.95 0 579.99 28.49
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 10 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
32" 1350 lbs Capacity Square Hay Bale Spear Spike Fork Tach Bobcat 1 3/8”Wide $43.99 1-Dec-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $28.49 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2pc Square Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000lbs Capacity Red Spike Fork 1 3/4" Wide $132.39 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $117.99 23-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $85.99 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $56.04 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $85.99 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Squ... $150.27 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $94.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $28.49 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Pair Hay Spear 43" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach S $137.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 32" Bale Spear 1350 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $50.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear Spears 49" Hay Bale Spear Spike, 4000 lbs Capacity Quick Attach $208.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $160.37 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $156.22 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 4500 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $130.25 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Pair Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach 1 $188.83 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Pair Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach 1 $200.38 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pc Square Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000lbs Capacity Red Spike Fork 1 3/4" Wide $111.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $85.99 12-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 17 77.27%
CN 4 18.18%
HK 1 4.55%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
yohodelyed 11 50.00%
neayshow 2 9.09%
young_269 1 4.55%
wulitaotaoh_9 1 4.55%
black-beast-1989 1 4.55%
xiangdanstore 1 4.55%
nickwin10 1 4.55%
nilvkeji 1 4.55%
wscaraccesso_0 1 4.55%
oneclickwarehouse 1 4.55%
ganfeii1_4 1 4.55%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,261.24 102.78 101.98 53.48852651359019 259.91 28.49
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 22 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $85.99 12-Jan-2025
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $28.49 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $85.99 11-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $85.99 10-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $124.44 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $117.99 28-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pc Square Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000lbs Capacity Red Spike Fork 1 3/4" Wide $132.39 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pc Square Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000lbs Capacity Red Spike Fork 1 3/4" Wide $111.99 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $56.04 22-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $136.99 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $94.99 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR 39" Hay Spear Bale Spear Skid Steer Loader Tractor Bucket Attachment $216.59 15-Oct-2024
VEVOR 49" Square Hay Bale Spear 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork Tine for Tractors $75.49 14-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $31.91 14-Oct-2024
VEVOR 32" 1350lb Capacity Square Hay Bale Spear Nut Tach Bobcat 1 3/8" Wide Tine $31.99 14-Oct-2024
VEVOR 49" Dual Hay Bale Spear Skid Steer Loader Tractor Bucket Attachment 3000LB $259.91 14-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $109.24 13-Oct-2024
VEVOR Square Hay Bale Spear 39" 3600 lbs Capacity Spike Fork Tine for Tractors $51.29 13-Oct-2024
VEVOR Hay Bale Spear 49" 3000 lbs Spike Fork 45#Steel W/2 Stabilizers & Sleeves $108.96 13-Oct-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork For Tractors Loaders $110.99 21-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 41 75.93%
CN 10 18.52%
CA 2 3.70%
FR 1 1.85%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
myequipmentwholesaler 7 12.96%
9s-home 3 5.56%
lancec_89 2 3.70%
olverygreyer 2 3.70%
kooluluselect 2 3.70%
lebomba 2 3.70%
nilvkeji 2 3.70%
unewgift 2 3.70%
dqt424 2 3.70%
amiranda0831 1 1.85%
primefinds883 1 1.85%
greenmarketu 1 1.85%
dubaifly 1 1.85%
fjdesertwolf 1 1.85%
6hdepot 1 1.85%
sososhippingmarket 1 1.85%
iakbas0 1 1.85%
shoppinysl 1 1.85%
goazzali 1 1.85%
tzlilmeitar 1 1.85%
wintradeglobal 1 1.85%
conquestcommerce 1 1.85%
travel9s 1 1.85%
9slife 1 1.85%
morshopmarket 1 1.85%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$8,255.32 152.88 129.60 99.70754853285044 579.99 28.49
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 54 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR Hay Spear Spears 49" Hay Bale Spear Spike, 4000 lbs Capacity Quick Attach $208.99 19-Feb-2025
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $172.79 14-Jan-2025
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $160.37 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus for Tractor $65.45 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 4500 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $130.25 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR 32"39"43"49" Square Hay Bale Spear Wide Tine Spike Skid Conus For Tractor $28.49 30-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs Hay Bale Spear 49" 4500 lbs Capacity Spike Fork $124.44 27-Nov-2024
Hay Bale Spear Mophorn - 49" Durable Spring Steel Corrosion-Resistant Tool $128.95 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs 49" Sq Hay Bale Spear 3000Lbs Cap 1 3/4" Wide Skidsteer Spike Fork $214.70 19-Nov-2024
VEVOR Pair Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach 1 $200.38 6-Nov-2024
VEVOR Pair Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach 1 $188.83 5-Nov-2024
VEVOR Hay Spear 49" Bale Spear 3000 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Square $160.38 1-Oct-2024
Mophorn Hay Spear 39" Bale Spear 3600 lbs Capacity, Bale Spike Quick Attach Hay $82.19 20-Sep-2024
VEVOR 2Pcs 49" Square Hay Bale Spear 3000Lbs Capacity 1 3/4" Wide Skidsteer Spi $252.62 9-Aug-2024
VEVOR 39" 3600 Lbs Capacity Square Hay Bale Spear Heavy Duty Spike Skid Sleeve $106.61 9-Aug-2024
VEVOR Hay Bale Spear 49" 3000 lbs Spike Fork 45#Steel W/2 Stabilizers & Sleeves $125.29 8-Aug-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $115.89 8-Aug-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 39" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $99.99 13-Jul-2024
VEVOR 49" Hay Bale Spear Skid Steer Loader Tractor Bucket Attachment $254.99 13-Jul-2024
VEVOR 2pcs Hay Bale Spear 43" 3000 lbs Capacity Spike Fork for Tractors Loaders $108.99 13-Jul-2024
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