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Price: $9.99 - $2,378.00
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METAL LATHE has appeared in 188 unique listings.

There are currently 25 active listings, 54 sold listings, and 109 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $90,352.20

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view METAL LATHE on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 25 13%
Sold 54 29%
Unsold 109 58%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 178 94.68%
CN 10 5.32%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
njsportstreasures 25 13.30%
audiyeah-1 16 8.51%
bungolawing 11 5.85%
grabados-creativos 10 5.32%
ideall1 9 4.79%
yohodelyed 7 3.72%
jinjie94 6 3.19%
euis3823 6 3.19%
ferp3891 6 3.19%
e_ji_6 5 2.66%
fordips 4 2.13%
rzshopp 4 2.13%
anqq6990 4 2.13%
ganfeii1_4 4 2.13%
tgwate_74 4 2.13%
kevin1954.2012 3 1.60%
ernshgoods 3 1.60%
myequipmentwholesaler 3 1.60%
cargolargo 2 1.06%
mahoganyimports19 2 1.06%
allgoodthingsonline1234 2 1.06%
shimitavori 1 0.53%
dolchestore 1 0.53%
techsavvy_traders 1 0.53%
gkretroftting 1 0.53%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$90,352.20 480.60 444.50 450.31964296465503 2,378.00 9.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 184 97.87%
Used 4 2.13%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 25 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
grabados-creativos 6 24.00%
ferp3891 4 16.00%
bungolawing 3 12.00%
euis3823 2 8.00%
ganfeii1_4 2 8.00%
yohodelyed 2 8.00%
audiyeah-1 1 4.00%
qualityele_qlt 1 4.00%
seriouswholesaler 1 4.00%
marketjump 1 4.00%
amerz.38 1 4.00%
tgwate_74 1 4.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$37,127.20 382.76 139.99 424.1192332451321 2,089.99 24.95
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 25 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Mini Metal Lathe Heavy Duty STEEL + BRASS Insert GIB STRAP KIT! 7x10 7x14 7x16 $79.99 18-Dec-2024
Mini Metal Lathe UPGRADE Cross-Feed Cover/ Chip Gaurd 7x10,12,14,16, 8x14, 8x16 $9.99 18-Dec-2024
VEVOR 8"x16" Mini Metal Lathe 1100W Variable-Speed DC Motor Metalworking Tool $849.99 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 7''x16'' 150-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $645.99 20-Nov-2024
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe 7" x 14" Metalworking Machine 2250 RPM 550W W/ Tools $280.00 18-Nov-2024
VEVOR Metal Mini Lathe 1100w Mini Metal Lathe 220x600mm 38mm Spindle 3-Jaw Chuck $1,399.99 14-Nov-2024
VEVOR 8.7"x29.5"Mini Metal Lathe 750W Brushless Motor Infinitely Variable Speed $1,439.99 14-Nov-2024
VEVOR K11-125 Lathe Chuck 5" - High-Precision Self-Centering 3 Jaw Metal Lathe C $80.79 11-Nov-2024
VEVOR K11-100 Lathe Chuck 4", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $104.97 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR K11-125 Lathe Chuck 5", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $144.97 9-Nov-2024
VEVOR Lathe Mini Metal Lathe 8.7" × 29.5" Metalworking Machine Metal Gear 1100W $1,174.99 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR KP2-3/4 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 2.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machi $150.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR KP965 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 3.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machine $255.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR KP96 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 3.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machine $156.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR K11-160 Lathe Chuck 6", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $154.97 8-Nov-2024
VEVOR 8"x16" Mini Metal Lathe 1100W Variable-Speed DC Motor Metalworking Tool $1,134.99 29-Oct-2024
VEVOR K11-100 Lathe Chuck 4", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $113.99 24-Oct-2024
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7"x14" 550W Variable Speed 2250 RPM W/ Tools $519.99 19-Oct-2024
VEVOR 7"x14" Mini Metal Lathe Machine 550W Variable Speed 2250 RPM W/ Tools $519.99 19-Oct-2024
VEVOR K11-160 Lathe Chuck 6", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $138.99 18-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 53 98.15%
CN 1 1.85%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
audiyeah-1 15 27.78%
bungolawing 5 9.26%
anqq6990 4 7.41%
yohodelyed 3 5.56%
tgwate_74 3 5.56%
ganfeii1_4 2 3.70%
euis3823 2 3.70%
kevin1954.2012 2 3.70%
gkretroftting 1 1.85%
cargolargo 1 1.85%
directsale2you 1 1.85%
freeshipping2you 1 1.85%
ideall1 1 1.85%
candymall20 1 1.85%
zeron30 1 1.85%
purpletechnado 1 1.85%
freestyle_fst 1 1.85%
xbvf61 1 1.85%
premiumautopart 1 1.85%
durabled 1 1.85%
coastalcreststore 1 1.85%
e_ji_6 1 1.85%
vladimi6969 1 1.85%
inhw-86 1 1.85%
barry_h 1 1.85%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$30,518.25 565.15 494.40 457.674635389947 2,378.00 12.49
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 51 94.44%
Used 3 5.56%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR 7"x14" Mini Metal Lathe Machine Benchtop Digital 550W Variable Speed LED $515.19 16-Mar-2025
VEVOR 8.3"x 31.5" Mini Metal Lathe 750W Brushless Motor Variable Speed 2500 RPM $1,175.99 21-Feb-2025
CREWORKS 8x14" Mini Metal Lathe 600W Digital Variable Speed Metalworking 2250rpm $566.99 15-Feb-2025
Mini Metal Lathe Heavy Duty STEEL + BRASS Insert GIB STRAP KIT! 7x10 7x14 7x16 $79.99 28-Jan-2025
VEVOR 1100W Metal Lathe Machine 8.7"×29.5" Variable Speed LED Brushless Tool $1,449.99 25-Jan-2025
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 8.3"x29.5" 50-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $1,234.99 16-Jan-2025
VEVOR K11-100 Lathe Chuck 4" - Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw $64.39 14-Jan-2025
550W 7\"X14\" Precision Mini Metal Lathe w/Lamp GREAT FACTORY PRICE NEWEST $418.99 8-Jan-2025
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 7''x16'' 150-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $612.99 6-Jan-2025
VEVOR Metal Lathe YS-2180A Dial Indicator Holder. $24.95 5-Jan-2025
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7"x14" Benchtop Digital 550W Variable Speed LED $526.39 5-Jan-2025
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe 8.7"×29.5" Metalworking Machine Precision Variable Speed $1,369.99 31-Dec-2024
VEVOR Metal Mini Lathe 1100w Mini Metal Lathe 220x600mm 38mm Spindle 3-Jaw Chuck $1,399.98 19-Dec-2024
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7"x14" 550W Variable Speed 0-2250 RPM W/ Tools $478.39 18-Dec-2024
VEVOR Metal Lathe Machine, 8.3'' x 29.5'', Precision Benchtop Power Metal Lathe, $2,378.00 16-Dec-2024
Mini Metal Lathe 8"x14" Metalworking Machine Variable Speed 2250 RPM 600W 110V $557.99 12-Dec-2024
7"x12" Mini Metal Lathe Metalworking Woodworking Bench Top Spindle DC Motor $439.99 11-Dec-2024
VEVOR 8"x14" Mini Metal Lathe Variable Speed Metalworking Machine 2250 RPM $589.99 29-Nov-2024
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 7''x16'' 150-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $665.99 28-Nov-2024
Metal Lathe Chuck K72 80-160mm 4Jaw External Jaw Milling Machine Independent $47.99 26-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 100 91.74%
CN 9 8.26%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
njsportstreasures 25 22.94%
ideall1 8 7.34%
jinjie94 6 5.50%
fordips 4 3.67%
e_ji_6 4 3.67%
rzshopp 4 3.67%
grabados-creativos 4 3.67%
bungolawing 3 2.75%
ernshgoods 3 2.75%
myequipmentwholesaler 3 2.75%
yohodelyed 2 1.83%
euis3823 2 1.83%
allgoodthingsonline1234 2 1.83%
ferp3891 2 1.83%
shimitavori 1 0.92%
dolchestore 1 0.92%
gergo6669 1 0.92%
yakira-2523 1 0.92%
cargolargo 1 0.92%
dmfoc27 1 0.92%
marketshopusa 1 0.92%
avigdor99 1 0.92%
everjoy19 1 0.92%
hpadistribution 1 0.92%
mahoganyimports19 1 0.92%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$42,212.20 387.27 139.99 421.10893358934857 2,089.99 24.95
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 108 99.08%
Used 1 0.92%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
VEVOR KP2-3/4 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 2.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machi $150.97 18-Feb-2025
VEVOR K11-160 Lathe Chuck 6", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $154.97 17-Feb-2025
VEVOR 8.7"x29.5"Mini Metal Lathe 750W Brushless Motor Infinitely Variable Speed $1,439.99 13-Feb-2025
VEVOR Metal Mini Lathe 1100w Mini Metal Lathe 220x600mm 38mm Spindle 3-Jaw Chuck $1,399.99 13-Feb-2025
Brushless Mini Metal Lathe Machine 800W Digital Display Continuously Variable Me $1,299.99 6-Feb-2025
VEVOR KP96 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 3.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machine $156.97 30-Jan-2025
VEVOR 7" x 14" Mini Metal Lathe w/Lamp 550W Precision Variable Speed 2250 RPM $632.99 2-Jan-2025
VEVOR K11-100 Lathe Chuck 4", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $104.97 30-Dec-2024
KP965 Metal Lathe Chuck 4-Jaw 3.75" Diameter with 5 Sets of Jaws Self-centering $229.99 14-Dec-2024
Mini Metal Lathe Machine 7x14 Benchtop Digital Display 550W Variable Speed with $1,099.99 13-Dec-2024
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 7''x16'' 150-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $645.99 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR K11-125 Lathe Chuck 5",Metal Lathe Chuck Self-Centering 3 Jaw,Lathe Chuck $83.34 4-Dec-2024
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe 7"X14" Metalworking Machine Variable Speed 2250RPM W/Lamp $714.41 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR 7"x14" 550W Metal Lathe - 0618WXCC000000001 $700.00 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR K11-125 Lathe Chuck 5", Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw, Lathe Chuc $144.97 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR 8"x16" Mini Metal Lathe 1100W Variable-Speed DC Motor Metalworking Tool $849.99 3-Dec-2024
VEVOR K11-160 Lathe Chuck 6",Metal Lathe Chuck Self-centering 3 Jaw,Lathe Chuck $87.88 29-Nov-2024
VEVOR Mini Metal Lathe 7" x 14" Metalworking Machine 2250 RPM 550W W/ Tools $280.00 24-Nov-2024
VEVOR KP965 Lathe Chuck, 4-Jaw 3.75" Diameter, Metal Lathe Chuck Turning Machine $255.97 22-Nov-2024
VEVOR Metal Lathe Power Metal Lathe 7''x16'' 150-2500 RPM Continuously Variable $645.99 19-Nov-2024
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