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Price: $0.99 - $659.99
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ROUTER MACHINE has appeared in 55 unique listings.

There are currently 10 active listings, 17 sold listings, and 28 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $13,753.40

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view ROUTER MACHINE on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 10 18%
Sold 17 31%
Unsold 28 51%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 52 94.55%
CN 3 5.45%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
jinjie94 13 23.64%
ferp3891 7 12.73%
euis3823 5 9.09%
e_ji_6 4 7.27%
grabados-creativos 4 7.27%
njsportstreasures 3 5.45%
anqq6990 2 3.64%
savannahliquidations 2 3.64%
audiyeah-1 2 3.64%
alva12478 1 1.82%
kjc036 1 1.82%
rzshopp 1 1.82%
bungolawing 1 1.82%
janteenmat202 1 1.82%
bipsnbops 1 1.82%
yohodelyed 1 1.82%
cardinalcraftsco 1 1.82%
wave1blue 1 1.82%
camaro.and.things 1 1.82%
ecommercepr 1 1.82%
daol63 1 1.82%
xueqiwu 1 1.82%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$13,753.40 250.06 239.99 161.26103921159415 659.99 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 54 98.18%
Used 1 1.82%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 10 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
anqq6990 2 20.00%
ferp3891 2 20.00%
euis3823 1 10.00%
grabados-creativos 1 10.00%
jinjie94 1 10.00%
njsportstreasures 1 10.00%
e_ji_6 1 10.00%
savannahliquidations 1 10.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,865.08 245.18 213.18 0 659.99 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 10 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $66.99 12-Jan-2025
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $250.00 27-Nov-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 300W, 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milli $624.73 26-Nov-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $326.76 14-Nov-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $201.37 14-Nov-2024
VEVOR 300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Machine 400X400X75mm $360.00 22-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 300W, 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milli $516.99 16-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Milling Engraving $199.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.79 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Machine 400X400X75mm $400.00 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $189.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $325.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $186.99 12-Oct-2024
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.49 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR 60W CNC 3020 Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $325.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 3018-PRO w/GRBL Offline Control 3 Axis Router Engraver $242.61 27-Jun-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.99 26-Jun-2024
300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milling Kit $659.99 29-May-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 300W, 3 Axis GRBL Control $250.00 24-May-2024
VEVOR 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Milling Engraving DIY $209.99 16-May-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 16 94.12%
CN 1 5.88%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
jinjie94 5 29.41%
euis3823 2 11.76%
audiyeah-1 2 11.76%
kjc036 1 5.88%
bungolawing 1 5.88%
savannahliquidations 1 5.88%
yohodelyed 1 5.88%
wave1blue 1 5.88%
cardinalcraftsco 1 5.88%
grabados-creativos 1 5.88%
daol63 1 5.88%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,942.64 231.92 249.00 136.35673356396924 425.91 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 17 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $66.99 19-Jan-2025
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $189.99 19-Dec-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $326.76 14-Dec-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $239.99 10-Dec-2024
VEVOR 300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Machine 400X400X75mm $360.00 27-Nov-2024
Wood Engraving Milling Machine 4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control $249.00 7-Nov-2024
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.49 18-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.79 15-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $364.99 12-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Milling Engraving $199.99 9-Oct-2024
VEVOR 3018-PRO CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Milling Engraving $0.99 9-Sep-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 300W, 3 Axis GRBL Control $250.00 1-Sep-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Milling Engraving $209.99 27-Aug-2024
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $425.91 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $326.76 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 3018-PRO w/GRBL Offline Control 3 Axis Router Engraver $1.00 24-Jun-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $1.00 19-May-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 26 92.86%
CN 2 7.14%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
jinjie94 7 25.00%
ferp3891 5 17.86%
e_ji_6 3 10.71%
grabados-creativos 2 7.14%
njsportstreasures 2 7.14%
euis3823 2 7.14%
alva12478 1 3.57%
janteenmat202 1 3.57%
bipsnbops 1 3.57%
camaro.and.things 1 3.57%
ecommercepr 1 3.57%
rzshopp 1 3.57%
xueqiwu 1 3.57%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,865.08 245.18 213.18 185.67996879643454 659.99 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 27 96.43%
Used 1 3.57%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
CNC Router Machine 300W 3Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milling Marker $451.49 20-Feb-2025
300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milling Kit $659.99 6-Feb-2025
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $250.00 12-Dec-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 300W, 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Carving Milli $624.73 2-Dec-2024
VEVOR 300W CNC Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Machine 400X400X75mm $400.00 14-Oct-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine` $329.99 20-Sep-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $152.87 10-Sep-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $201.37 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 3018-PRO w/GRBL Offline Control 3 Axis Router Engraver $242.61 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $199.99 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $329.99 16-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $189.99 14-Aug-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $0.99 31-Jul-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine, 120W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Milling Kit 300x200x60mm $305.99 29-Jul-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $0.99 22-Jul-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $99.99 16-Jul-2024
VEVOR CNC 3018-PRO Router Machine 3 Axis GRBL Control Carving Engraving Machine $0.99 16-Jul-2024
VEVOR CNC Router Machine 3018-PRO w/GRBL Offline Control 3 Axis Router Engraver $224.99 26-Jun-2024
VEVOR CNC 3020 Router Machine 60W 3 Axis GRBL Control Engraving Milling Machine $1.00 15-Jun-2024
4040 CNC Router Machine 300W 3 Axis GRBL Control Wood Engraving Milling Machine $1.00 14-Jun-2024
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